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In Gratitude

Thanking my social media followers for supporting my efforts to speak out, “Before It’s Too Late”.

Dear Social Media Followers:

Thank you for your support. It has meant a great deal to me as I embarked on my journey to speak out, “Before It’s Too Late”. Clearly, Facebook is not the correct platform. Please read the letter below that I sent out to my email list after I read today’s Wall Street Journal article about the sea-change in Facebook’s advertising policy.

To My Flock of Readers:

I seem to have won the award for being a keen observer of the obvious. Last week I invested hours and hours in a frustrated effort to find a way around Facebook’s rejection of my weekly blog posts. The requirement for an IRS stamp on my Schedule C appeared to be a pathetic barricade between me and broadcast success, but that was my only option, and I couldn’t comply.

This morning I could claim I was prescient in understanding that Facebook simply didn’t want users to advertise their opinions on any topic categorized as: social, electoral or political, or, I could have waited to read this morning’s Wall Street Journal article, ‘Meta Limits Ad Targeting’. The sub-caption reads, “Facebook parent, in a reversal, will eliminate personalization on topics including politics.” The first paragraph reveals Facebook will, “eliminate micro-targeting options for advertisers on topics related to politics and other sensitive issues….”

I would never portray myself as pugnacious since I abhor fighting, but I do hate throwing in the towel which is what my morning’s post, “Shot Down by Big Brother” felt like. Now I feel better. The one affordable avenue to my building a larger audience has been effectively and decisively closed. It’s too bad.

But I will sleep better tonight knowing that Big Brother is looking out for me and everyone else, keeping us safe from reading anything that might hurt our feelings or challenge our beliefs. And the truth is, you can still post pretty much whatever you like, as long as you don’t try to reach an audience beyond your own followers.

Thanks to Facebook’s advertising rates for boosting a post (advertising), I was reaching a much larger audience and engaging with a valuable percentage of them. With my fourth book nearing publication, I had hoped my investment in time and money would increase my marketing reach, boosting my book’s visibility on another monster platform, Amazon.com.

I may be of no importance in the mega-worlds of Facebook and Amazon, but I am one more example of the American Dream, thus the reason for my second memoir. I’ll send out the news when From Hand-Me-Downs to Designer Gowns is available for purchase on Amazon.

For those of you who share my love of country and passion for protecting our constitutional freedoms, stay strong, be faithful to your principals, maintain your voice by voting, and please drop by my website occasionally to read the latest Chicken Squawks.

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